Thursday, November 27, 2008

Purani Jeans aur Guitar

Remember the time even a rose would make us smile, a romantic song would bring tears in our eyes. When that one look in our lover’s eyes would fill us with unknowing warmth, where has all those days gone? Those days seems to have vanished, so much so that we have started doubting it’s existence, when today even a child’s cry on the street doesn’t move our eyelid. Another rat in this rat race we have forgotten even to look back on all those days when a face in the crowd would make our heart flutter, and to smile just like that.

What did we gain after losing all these, the baggage we are carrying these days is a lot of wealth no doubt, status & acknowledgment by or peers, a lot of envy & loads of unrest not to talk about the amount of ill health we carry. Never feeling complete we all are seeking god knows what?

So let’s get back, along with whatever you are doing today after all we need to earn our bread & butter, the next time when you walk down the road : - leave aside office, children, spouse everything let your heart take you back to your college days , your teenage. Feel the wind against your face, sing a song to yourself, let your feet skip on the road lightly, become childish for those few minutes. And you’ll find a whole new you. I smile at total strangers in the mall at times, I sing along when I walk, some days I just feel simply happy looking at the sun & the world around. I dance like mad after putting some deafening music. Believe me it doesn’t look silly it just takes me out of all this humdrum to my own world and brings back a whole new me. Try to look as good as possible, if you have a chance join a gym the exercise would keep you fit & your slim looks would boost up your confidence.

So! What’s stopping you discover a whole new you, yes go out the world is waiting!!!!!!

Contributed by Simmi Vasu, Head-Content Development,Resdtech

Friday, November 21, 2008

The story from the heart: The Debt

The clouds gathered there was thunder & lighting and the sky was overcast. It looked as if the sky was getting ready to repay the earth. What was it that her aunt had said? Yes, “Akhilesh has hanged himself”. So, that was how it had ended, thought Vidya, a smile on her lips. Infact she wanted to laugh, laugh aloud to her heart’s content. But then suddenly she asked why did he hang himself – “he was suspicious that his wife who was pregnant was not carrying his child”. Now, she could not control herself at all she laughed, laughed as if she would die, tears streaming down and amidst those tears she saw that small girl with two pigtails.
That day after coming back from school she met Akhilesh for the first time her mom had introduced him as her relative from there village. Just like the scores of others in there hometown he had come to this city seeking a job. She wished him & went to her room.
At first everything was all right but then she found her uncle was more interested in her than finding a new job. Each day when she came back from school he would be there waiting with a sly smile. How she hated that smile & used to feel like wiping that face from earth. “Vidu look what I have for you here”, and he would show her what her little eyes could never comprehend at that time. The days of torture followed, her parents quite oblivious to whatever was happening, too wrapped up in there own process of living. Like all parents they were too busy in the process of providing that they overlooked the actual need.She didn’t know whom to tell or what to do. Too scared even to recall the details when she was alone she could never muster the courage to tell this to her parents. One day he just went as he had come. Years passed but her world was never the same; never again did she know innocence that was lost somewhere forever. The dirt she felt everywhere was intolerable. She would wash even the glass again & again before drinking water from it even if someone had just touched it. One could never be sure.
After all these years today she did not stop her tears and let them flow. She had wanted to do this for a long time. A strange peace descended on her, outside it was raining insistently the sky had cleared its debt.

contributed by Simmi Vasu, Head-Content Development,Resdtech

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Water Filtration using RO

Two biggest problems with the reverse osmosis filter that companies don’t want you to know:
1. The reverse osmosis filter removes all of the good, healthy minerals like calcium and magnesium along with the things you don’t want in your water. Many reports and books stress the opinion that long-term consumption of demineralized water can in fact be dangerous. Two negative things happen when you drink water that has been stripped of its natural minerals. Firstly, demineralized water becomes acidic. Any time we consume an acidic substance, our bodies will pull minerals from our teeth and bones to produce bicarbonate in order to neutralize the acid. Second, it has been proven that when body fluids become more acid than alkaline the production of free radicals increases, causing an increase in the risk of cancer!
2. For every gallon of filtered water produced, 3-4 gallons of water is wasted. If you are paying for water your will definitely notice a jump in your water bill.
Therefore, before you spend a lot of money on a reverse osmosis water filter, consider the risks to your health. Look at your other alternatives and compare all the home water purifier technology available today for effectiveness, safety and value.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Empowering women: Self-confident and Effective Leaders

Women start careers in business and other professions with the same level of intelligence, education, and commitment as men. All women with the brains, the desire, and the perseverance to lead should be encouraged to fulfill their potential and leave their mark. Through our effort to empower women we learn what drives and sustains successful female leaders. We want to help younger women navigate the paths to leadership and, at the same time, to learn how we can get the best out of this talented group. Today the women is a well of physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual strength that drives personal achievement and, in turn, inspires others to follow. Even with their double burden situation—motherhood and management which drains energy in a particularly challenging way and their tendency to experience emotional ups and downs more often and more intensely than most men do....still their achievement and tendency to thrive is excellent.
They infuse energy in the surrounding. Lets work together to empower women and make them effective leaders.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Strategic Leadership

Your success as a leader isn't just about being a great businessperson. You've got to be a great person, performing well in all domains of your life i.e. your work, your home, your society, and your private self. Strategic Leadership is a task for how to perform well as a leader not by trading off one domain for another, but by finding mutual value among all. You can achieve work life balance by:
1. Act with authenticity by clarifying what's important
2. Act with integrity
3. Act with creativity by experimenting to find new solutions
These are proven principles to produce stronger business results, find clearer purpose in what you do, feel more connected to the people who matter most, and generate sustainable change. Through Strategic Leadership you can win in all domains of life.

Healthy Work Culture

Weather you are CEO or professional or consultant, the mind-body connection exists. The better you feel, more impact you will have on your business or profession. You don't have to run a marathon, staying active and healthy helps you increase energy levels and make better business or career decisions.When employee knows you care about their well-being, morale and productivity shoots up.

Here are 7 ways to encourage healthy workforce
1.Incorporate exercise into your daily activities. Take the stairs instead of elevator, walk over to talk to your employee rather then emailing.
2. Do isometric exercises or stretch at your desk.
3. Take 10-minute walk everyday.
4. Get a good night sleep. It helps you keep things in perspective and think rationally.
5. Eat a balanced diet. Deficiency in B-complex leads to depression and irritability. When in stress we lose vitamin C and E.
6. Stay organized and Prioritize. Living in chaotic, cluttered environment can increase stress levels.
7. Do not procrastinate.Tackle tough issues. They are not going to go away so deal with them and take weight off your shoulders