Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Take Charge

Her cries just pierced my heart like a thorn, “I am a total zero a good for nothing “she said sobbing uncontrollably. I did not have anything to say for this. What answer can I give? In today’s world when the Indian women are educated, smart with a career of their own, we still find these women as helpless as there village counterparts. I am talking here about women especially who have children and are either housewives or working. Her sorrows & troubles multiply if it includes children with special needs. If a child is born handicapped then it is the women who get the blame for it. Be it her parents, husband or in-laws. She is made to feel that it was due to some fault in her part that the child developed such thing. These may include physical as well as mental or genetic ailments like developmental delay, dyslexia etc. The women here is victimised with the husband & in laws completely washing their hands off in the development of the child. This has brought me to write about this topic being myself a mother of a child with special needs. For no fault of hers & the flat refusal of her husband to see the truth that day in day out she is blamed for everything that goes wrong with the child. On top of this all the advertisements, media promote the women as super moms. Nowhere in these ads do you find a dad playing key role in the growth of children. The woman who does not keep her house spick & span, not able to juggle between the needs of in-laws, husband, kids is treated as not a good mother, women, wife. She is deliberately made to feel guilty with ample contributions from others around. How to strike a balance without losing one’s head in this maddening self glorifying world?
We have to make tough choices and work hard. In an endeavour let’s not forget that being mother of that child, whatever is done will always be a step towards the betterment of the child, no matter what others do or say. Involve yourself in some productive work so as to garner strength, self-esteem and energy.

Never lose trust in God. Just think of building yourself with whatever you have. The situations of life are not as easy as they appear, things can be grim & totally grey but one can always find the silver lining in the cloud. Miracles just don’t happen in life, as is projected. Life is never a smooth ride among the clouds; it’s only in fairy tales such miracles happen. To be the all suffering self depreciating women is only for the daily soaps. So take stride & take charge. Life is a roller coaster ride but to have a real fun one has to plunge to take that ride even though you get knots in our stomach.
Simmi Vasu Head, Content Development, Resdtech

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Election 2009

The smell of elections is in the air. Both newspapers and TV are inundated with extravagant promises from our politicians, and accusations and counter-accusations are flying over which party is the most corrupt, who is the most unconcerned about India, terrorism on our land, who the most callous about poverty.

This time we have seen commercials like jaagore, making people aware about the voting, it's importance, it's process but till now we have not devised any method to ensure the quality of candidates.Can we force political parties to shift to a higher standards in the quality and qualifications of their candidates?......

Selection is not mere voting...It's making that candidate even file nomination. It should not be at the hands of politicians to nominate the candidate..Till then India is not going to grow.
Now the question is .. Our 800 million people enough to trigger a change in our standards?

If the answer is yes .... Then something good will happen to India.
If the answer is no.......Then .....we may not see India Shining.. Incredible India..

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Climate Change

Climate disaster greet us every morning-winters are getting milder, summers are getting warmer. But these are mere symptoms of the greater problem to come—severe climate disruption from overall global warming. To prevent climate change from leading to worldwide catastrophe, both developed and developing nations must take steps to sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The current levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide stand at 387 parts per million (ppm),the highest levels in 650,000 years.World carbon dioxide emissions stood at almost 45 billions of tons in 2007. Under this scenario, world carbon dioxide emissions are forecast to rise significantly by 2050.

The world is combusting fossil fuel—coal, oil, and natural gas—at an unsustainable rate. At the same time, we are tearing down the natural world, which absorbs and stores carbon. Unless we undertake strong remedial measures in the very near future, greenhouse gases will continue to rise at a rate that puts the world at serious risk.

Steps to encourage energy-saving initiatives should have been taken 30 years ago.Population growth is overwhelming the earth and shows no signs of stabilizing at a sustainable level. The world population is forecast to add 75 million each year, growing to 11 billion to 12 billion. As the population increases, so too will energy demand, satisfied largely by burning fossil fuels.

Let's think together for tomorrow.....

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Enron-Style Fraud Creates an Opportunity

Thanks to an Enron-style fraud at Satyam Computers, stocks in India have never been as cheap as they are today.

The chairman of Satyam, a huge software company, gave himself up, saying he'd been "cooking the books" for years. He'd overstated profits and overstated the cash balance... at this point by billion of rupees.

When he gave himself up, shares of the company fell some 78% in a day. Other major Indian stocks fell by double-digit percentages. Investors are worried about which company is next.

Now, on a price-to-earnings basis, India is as cheap as it's ever been in the 20 years. It's trading at about nine times this year's earnings.

There could be more frauds. WorldCom followed Enron. But this is a heck of an opportunity... The last time Indian stocks were close to this cheap (mid-2003), they rose roughly 700% in US dollar terms until they peaked at the end of 2007.

Most investors are scared. The foreign investors who hadn't fled already have surely left by now. Hardly any major international brokerage firms have a "buy" recommendation on India. We see it as an opportunity – there's nobody left to sell.

India doesn't have a credit bubble, a real estate bubble, or a debt problem. And India has a domestic market, so it doesn't rely on exports nearly as much as China does.

At some point, the big brokerage firms will recommend India. Each recommendation will mean new buyers. Foreign investors will return.

We prefer to buy when everyone who wants to sell has sold. We prefer to buy when everyone is bearish. The biggest gains in investing come when things go from bad to less bad. And India is on the brink of that now.

What's the best way to play it? Use the scandal as a cheap entry point. There may be another one or two scandals... or not. But this is too cheap to pass up.

We think one can enter this trade without much downside risk.
Good investing,

Resdtech Team.