Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Take Charge

Her cries just pierced my heart like a thorn, “I am a total zero a good for nothing “she said sobbing uncontrollably. I did not have anything to say for this. What answer can I give? In today’s world when the Indian women are educated, smart with a career of their own, we still find these women as helpless as there village counterparts. I am talking here about women especially who have children and are either housewives or working. Her sorrows & troubles multiply if it includes children with special needs. If a child is born handicapped then it is the women who get the blame for it. Be it her parents, husband or in-laws. She is made to feel that it was due to some fault in her part that the child developed such thing. These may include physical as well as mental or genetic ailments like developmental delay, dyslexia etc. The women here is victimised with the husband & in laws completely washing their hands off in the development of the child. This has brought me to write about this topic being myself a mother of a child with special needs. For no fault of hers & the flat refusal of her husband to see the truth that day in day out she is blamed for everything that goes wrong with the child. On top of this all the advertisements, media promote the women as super moms. Nowhere in these ads do you find a dad playing key role in the growth of children. The woman who does not keep her house spick & span, not able to juggle between the needs of in-laws, husband, kids is treated as not a good mother, women, wife. She is deliberately made to feel guilty with ample contributions from others around. How to strike a balance without losing one’s head in this maddening self glorifying world?
We have to make tough choices and work hard. In an endeavour let’s not forget that being mother of that child, whatever is done will always be a step towards the betterment of the child, no matter what others do or say. Involve yourself in some productive work so as to garner strength, self-esteem and energy.

Never lose trust in God. Just think of building yourself with whatever you have. The situations of life are not as easy as they appear, things can be grim & totally grey but one can always find the silver lining in the cloud. Miracles just don’t happen in life, as is projected. Life is never a smooth ride among the clouds; it’s only in fairy tales such miracles happen. To be the all suffering self depreciating women is only for the daily soaps. So take stride & take charge. Life is a roller coaster ride but to have a real fun one has to plunge to take that ride even though you get knots in our stomach.
Simmi Vasu Head, Content Development, Resdtech

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